REBOUNDING by Juanita Koilpillai

Quarterly Newsletter from RESILIANT

Volume 1, Issue 1 June 10,  2021

Rebound is one word in the English language with several meanings. In sports we cheer for a rebound – a comeback. In publishing, rebounding rescues an aging book, strengthening it with a new binding. RESILIANT’s software defined perimeter (SDP) offers cyber experts the ability to bounce in the face of an attack and strengthens security for applications located anywhere.   


On June 3, Waverley Labs launched RESILIANT to fill a gap in the zero trust model. RESILIANT SDP changes the cybersecurity landscape with an overlay to the aging “trust but verify” network security architecture. RESILIANT makes applications and services resilient against the most sophisticated attacks. Many vendors offer SDP products that partially protect access, still relying on the VPN to do the heavy lifting.  In contrast, RESILIANT enables “never trust, always verify” by casting an impenetrable trust zone around an app or service. The RESILIANT controller works with the gateway to dynamically open for authorized users on authenticated devices and close to prevent users without credentials and proven effective even during high volume DDOS attacks.


RESILIANT’s CEO, Juanita Koilpillai, began contributing innovation to the Cloud Security Alliance’s open-source SDP project as Waverley Labs. Collaborating with the CSA Koilpillai developed a reference architecture for software defined perimeter – concepts many wave 1 companies for SDP rely on today. Now, five years later and on the eve of the availability of the SDP 2.0 specification, Waverley is launching RESILIANT SDP to bring the full value and capability of SDP to the market. Jim Reavis, Chief Executive Officer, Cloud Security Alliance, describes her contribution: “Her (Koilpillai’s) passion and dedication to maturing software defined perimeter benefits all the members of the Alliance and is evident in the Zero Trust SDP her company is launching today.”


2021 has seen an increase the number of attacks as more computing assets move outside the traditional enterprise infrastructure. READ the RESILIANT BLOG to read why Gartner advises that “identity is now the de facto organizational perimeter” and how RESILIANT SDP Gateway prevents users without credentials from accessing critical applications and services. Gartner suggests that location-independent security is a major trend. We say RESILIANT ‘trust zone’ aligns to Gartner’s vision of a cybersecurity mesh foundation.


Years from now when I look back on how my family and friends survived the global pandemic, I am reminded of three virtues: patience, creativity, and resilience. It’s summer and we are traveling more, sharing more and celebrating again! A REBOUND of epic proportions! While we can’t always control the world around us, we can control how we react to the good, the bad and challenging. Resilience is critical for recovering quickly from difficulties and challenges. Resilient people have a way of springing back, reshaping response to be tougher and stronger. As security professionals, we are challenged every day to be resilient.

Never Trust, Always Verify

Visit to read about the RESILIANT Trust Zone – the industries’ first internet scale, deny all packet filter- which dynamically enforces policies. RESILIANT controls access by authorized users on authenticated devices to services located anywhere. The RESILIANT Trust Zone makes services invisible to the Internet leaving attackers and unauthorized users abandoned outside the Gateway.